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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

நிலம் பூத்து மலர்ந்த நாள்

Nilam poothu malarntha naal - book review

    Good books make you smile and great books make you write a review. Partaking my experience reading this book in the form of a review gives me immense pleasure.
    "A great book should leave you with many experiences and slightly exhausted, you live several lives while reading."
Truly indeed as quoted by William Clark Styron Jr.  Acquiescing to the above quote,  I have undoubtedly lived several lives while reading this book.
       A very intriguing title , 'Nilam poothu malarndha naal ' , we can translate it into English as , "The day when the land bloomed and blossomed".
      Originally written in Malayalam , authored by Manoj Kuroor , it takes us back to the aeons of the  acclaimed Tamil Sangam . The Tamil translated version penned by K.V.Jeysri, has won the Sahitya akademi award, India's highest award for literature recognised in 24 Indian languages. Even though this book was published in 2016 , it has received a stimulus now , owing it to the Sahitya akademi award. This book is unique, considering it's a first of this kind. History combined with fiction gives a tremendous outcome .
        This book revolves around the narratives of characters, Kolumban , Chitirai and Mayilan. Kolumban's version gives the accounts of what happened, Chitirai's narrative points out the conundrum behind those events and Mayilan unravels the enigma, uncluttering the puzzlement . Also, there are many engaging characters like, Seerai, Kings -Pari, Nannan, Athiyaman and our proficient Sangam poets - Kabilar, Baranar and Ouvaiyar. The portrayal of Seerai's character is absorbing. Though being a young girl , Seerai is introspective and skeptical about the traditions pertaining in the society.
       Manoj Kuroor takes us on a journey, to the life lived by our ancestors. In those germinal days of life, people lived in clans or communities according to their professions , that is dancers and singers, farmers ,hunters and so on. Here , the three main characters belong to the dancers and musicians brethren,and live a nomadic life to overcome the viciousness of poverty. Further we learn about our ancient musical instruments, how people migrated with no transportation facilities and their food habits too.
      The hospitality shown by other communities is enthralling. This migrating clan is welcomed and assisted by the hunter circles, the farmer fraternity and so on. People cared for each other irrespective of their communities.
      The author mentions everlasting poets like Kabilar, Baranar and Ouvaiyar. He also chronicles few of their poems. They were the most celebrated poets of the Sangam age  because their compositions were distinctive and sublime. They uniquely stood out from all their literary counterparts.
     Why this book ?
Undeniably, this book is so engrossing and will always hold you on the grip.Since you can never take your eyes off , an avid reader  can complete it at one go . Reading this book, definitely relaxes your mind and also instills a sense of pride about our heritage,
culture and our predecessors' legacy.The more you read about it , the more you want to experience that way of life and get immersed into it . 
Happy reading! 😊

1 comment:

  1. Just done a great job.. felt amazed on reading the review..go ahead u have a bright future..✨💜
