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Monday, June 15, 2020

The Monk who sold his Ferrari

      The monk who sold his Ferrari, an intriguing and a well known title, engrosses its readers from the first page. It's narrative is in the form of a fable and rather helps us to assimilate the concepts readily. 

     My experience in reading this book , I would say that I went on a journey with Julian Mantle in his search for self - discovery. Julian, a 53 year old,  sought after successful lawyer, collapses in a heart attack. And, later, he goes on a journey to the Himalayas to meet the mythical Sivana sages. 
    After years,  he meets his junior associate - John, who aspires to be like him. Julian, then, enlightens John on what he learned from the sages.

    Robin Sharma enshrines the concept of the seven virtues of enlightened learning, which is discussed in different chapters. With each virtue, he gives a habit changing exercise to be followed, to achieve that particular virtue. Also, at the end of each chapter, he illustrates the concepts with a mind map.  
     Julian narrates a small story encompassing all the seven virtues of enlightened learning to make us remember better 
( we remember well with stories 😜 ). 
A hint of the seven virtues are , 

    Added to it , Julian also instructs John about the
 ' Ten rituals for radiant living ' . These are 10 ways to become a better you with lots of habit changing modules.
🔸Never regret your past. Rather, embrace it as the teacher that it is.
🔸Worry drains the mind of much of its power and, sooner or later, it injures the soul.
🔸First of all, begin to live out of the glory of your imagination, not your memory.
‌🔸I saw the seeds of opportunity in my painful experience.
🔸The moment you concentrate the focus of your mind on a singular purpose, 
extraordinary gifts will appear within your life.
( There are several lines I liked, but won't be able to mention them all here 😊) 

 If you're looking for books, that can transform your way of life, undeniably, this can be one of them. Every line seemed like a quote to me. This book was a fantasy and once we read it, we will yearn to undergo a self-changing voyage just like Julian. Also, the author explains easy and simpler methods to achieve the goals. 

   Though the author explains numerous simple  strategies, involving all of them at the same time in our lives would be a heavy task and may create some confusion. 

PS: I read this book through a free pdf obtained from the internet. You can download and enjoy it during these days. 
Engrosses - absorbs
Assimilate - digest 
Enshrines - elevate 
Encompassing - involving, including




  1. Very good! That was an awesome write-up! Very detailed and enthralling review! Would love the read the book sometime!

  2. Ah, I feel like I have read the book now. Thanks for the review/analysis.
