Live to the fullest...

Friday, March 20, 2020

Not just a dream !

   My parents , grandparents, aunts and uncles were going on a journey in train . The train , for a long time was moving on a bridge , just like the Konkan railways. We were chatting and  then , alas !  The train changed into a roller coaster and I was there with my friends . My family somehow vanished from the scene . Maybe , I must've thought that they were not physically fit to take on those rides . 
       That roller coaster was mind boggling. I was literally flying and screaming at the top of my voice. It felt so real . That ride contained a lot of twists and turns and monstrous heights . Then, it flashed into a pool of water and abruptly I was in my scuba diving suit . What an overwhelming scene underwater. I saw beautiful fishes , corals and a lot of other sea creatures. 
           I was afraid of the sea , especially about it's underground creatures which have irked me a lot. I was astounded to see them as I was unraveling it's beauty. I was just going through the corals and sea weeds . Unexpectedly I came across a shipwreck . It's name I read which was HMS Albatross. I went inside and was shocked to death by human skeletons . There was a huge wooden box and it was locked . Behind , was a skeleton, looked like a captain to me , was wearing a cap, dressed all in white. In it's hand was a beautifully handcrafted key .
        I took it and opened the box. You couldn't have imagined what I found. Big volumes of books . Though they were all  drenched wet  , I took them to surface carefully and with the help of some experts , those books were dried and I found out that they were priceless antique collection. As I opened a book titled ,      ' Victory to thee' , the first page read ," Wake up girl , you are late for college" .