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Wednesday, April 10, 2024

10 promises I made to myself (bonus 2 more)

Human beings evolve everyday, both mentally and physically. As Time passes by, in the process, it heals everything and changes the way you think. It might cut out some negative people in your life, it might add some kind and positive people to balance it out. But, as Time grows, we should also strive to grow better, developing a growth mindset. 

I promised myself with 10 rules,  for my future self,  to follow these golden when life gets low or out of my control. 

1. Always love yourself !  Loving yourself can change the whole perspective of your self-esteem. People can't understand what you are going through 

2. Health investment is the best investment 

3. Never give up on yourself

4. Do not compare your life to others. 

5. Digitally deconnect from toxic vibes. 

6. Identify toxic friends very early & detach / ghost, before they eat you inside out. 

7. There will be setbacks in life in every stages. But how you cope & regain strength matters.

8. Take care & be patient towards your parents and family. 

9. Always keep learning. Never get away from the learning curve. 

10. Never give a shit to your annoying relatives circle. Never listen to a single word from them,  especially, when they criticize or demotivate you. 

11. Show them, rather than justifying yourself, as Dhoni said -- Bat ah la pesu, Vai ah la illa. Let your success silence them. 

12. Leaders & successful people never take the right decision - but they make that decision right by working hard & smart towards it. 

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