Live to the fullest...

Saturday, February 24, 2024

If I were a boy ...

If I were a boy, I wouldn't have to do the dishes,
If I were a boy, I wouldn't have to wash the clothes, 
As my sister or mom would even wash my shoes.

If I were a boy, I would spend more time on my studies,
If I were a boy, I would get the whole day to focus on my career, my hobbies and goals. 
As I would get to undermine my sister's ambitions and dreams.

If I were a boy, I wouldn't be screamed at or judged for driving a bike. 
If I were a boy, I wouldn't be subjected to the constant criticism of my decisions,
As whatever decision I would take, would be the best. 

If I were a boy, I could spend late hours enjoying with my friends. 
If I were a boy, I would have the luxury to eat, and not to cook. 
As my mother and sister would take care of the kitchen. 

If I were a boy, I need not do 7 hours of unpaid household invisible labour. 
If I were a boy, I wouldn't be subjected to Double suppression. 
As patriarchy dictates that I need not contribute to the house that I live in. 

If I were a boy, I need not be careful,
If I were a boy, I could wake up even at midday,
As everything that I need would be provided for me. 

If only I were a boy...

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