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Monday, May 4, 2020

How to study by Harry Maddox

How to study by Harry Maddox
Book review
First publication-1969

               A very challenging and arduous task to do - studying. Some master this skill, some don't. But , do remember, " Every expert was once a beginner". Therefore, it's never to late and you're never too old to ace this artistry.
              I wish I had got hold of this book years ago and put those amazing techniques into practice, right from the beginning. But I'm really glad that I have it now. 

             'How to study' by Harry Maddox is a blessing for students who really want to perfect their learning skills . It's first publication was in 1969, and you may presume that, the tactics mentioned there is outdated. Dear reader, if you have that kind of assumption , you're totally wrong. The author's strategy is perennially actionable.
" Even today I dare not say that I have reached a state of achievement. I'm still learning, for learning is boundless."
                - Bruce Lee
           The methodology composed here is very much pragmatic and easy to follow with strong experimental testimonials. Added to it, the author has presented numerous graphs to validate his methods.
                   I strongly suggest you to own a copy of it, so that, you can refer it anytime. Firstly, read the whole book and then mark the important chapters that  you want to skill over and re-read it. For instance, I prefer the chapters mentioned below for re-reading -
✓motives and habits
✓ learning and remembering
✓ reading
✓ thinking

                The author also gives an account of the  widely harnessed SQ3R method and how to put into practical use. This is a wonderful book in simple narrative to enlighten your studies. Try to lay your hands on it very soon .
"Efficient methods of study are worth learning not only for your immediate purposes of study, but because your habits of work will stay with you all your life. Those who do well in academic work usually do well afterwards in business or in the professions."
                              -Harry Maddox