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Friday, May 8, 2020

A myriad of words !

 " Raise your words , not voice.
It is the rain that grows flowers , not thunder." 
                                    - Rumi 
A sonnet on WORDS ( by the Blog author )

Words are deep 
Words are peace 
Words are soul 
Words are real 
Words are fair 
Words are lives
Words are wise 
Words are love 
Words are felt 
Words are good 
Words are apt 
Words are cosmos 
Words are manifold 
On the whole , words craft the world.

These are some of my favourite words. Though, there are a myriad of words that I love,  I have listed only a few, and remember, 'words are the verbal embodiment of power' 
(quoted by Robin Sharma).  
PS : What are your personal favourite words ? Comment below .