Live to the fullest...

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Learn to be selfish

Yes. The title of this post is quite controversial. But, I really can't help it and I must share my thoughts on this ASAP. 

The other day, I was telling my mom - learn to be selfish. My mom was intrigued by this as you are. 

Calm down. Let me explain my theory. 

There is a thin line between being selfless and being selfish. In all places and situations you can't be exhibiting selflessness. And nobody expects you to be a philanthropic altruistic person. 

Sometimes we do selfless things for people so that, we may be liked and loved. But, we must realise that, there are 1.3 billion people on this planet, and getting everyone to like you is impossible. 

Rather, concentrate on YOU. Improve your mental health. Invest in your physical fitness. Be selfish when it comes to your health and peace of mind. When you're selfish in caring for you, only then you can care for others by being selfless. 

When you understand this thin line, you can see wonders happening to you. You get much more clarity and happiness in your approach to life.  There is less negativity surrounding you and you decide what to take in and leave out. 

When it comes to your health, YOU COME FIRST. Others all deserve a second place. 
Start learning to be selfish.