Live to the fullest...

Thursday, August 10, 2023


Recently, I watched the movie - The Shallows - once again. A really good movie indeed .

 The main protagonist Nancy Adams, a doctor by profession , had lost her mother due to cancer, and wanted to visit a secluded place that her mother used to surf. 

After few months she visits the place and begins to surf. The locals assure her that there are no sharks or any other  wild sea animals in the bay. She surfs several times and enjoys the process.

When she goes for a final last surf,  she notices a dead whale floating on the ocean. To her dismay, the whale was killed by a great white shark, which eventually attacks her. Her leg is bleeding and she swims to a nearby stone and makes up amateur stitches in her leg with her necklace. The shark, also being a persistent animal, never gives up in attacking  her. Finally , Nancy manages to kill the shark by impaling it in buoy anchor.

The movie , though, a little dark vibed and anxious to watch, shows us the tenacity and courage of both Nancy and the shark. Neither of them gives up - either in attacking or by saving themselves. 

Pondering over it, I was in the conception that, even if a shark had such a determination to hunt Nancy, then , as humans, we must show a hella-lotta-courage on our approach to life.


Comfort zones are situations and places where we dwell upon almost all phases in our life. 

If Nancy had just waited for help without undertaking any efforts, she would have died waiting for her saviour. The same goes with us too. Many of us choose to be in our comfort zones, rather than exploring the other side. 

How to come out of your comfort zone? 

1.) At first, its very difficult to even identify the comfort zones. Many of us don't even realise that we have permanently lodged there. Next time, when you're feeling afraid to do some things, and the inner feeling in you says, "don't do it, stay where you are and be safe" - don't listen to it. This is how you know that you're in the comfort zone. 

2.) Acknowledge your inner feeling and act in the opposite way. Venture into that difficult task.

3.) You might not do well in your first attempt at that difficult task. But it's ok. Because every veteran was once a beginner. So, keep trying. 

4.) After many trys and failures, you achieve the growth mindset and succeed in your task. 

If a shark can have the tenacity to persevere, then why can't we ?