Live to the fullest...

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Cuarentena thoughts

 Cuarentena thoughts...

   I have always waited for a day, where I didn't have to keep an alarm to wake up. But, didn't expect it to be in this situation.  This had been a total unexpected blow this year for all of us.

The judgement day:

The day the results came out, the only question on my mind was, " Oh God, why us? " .

   There were a lot of " Nevers " I thought of.

1. Never thought our results would have turned positive.

2.Never thought we would be one among the 6pm Case load statistics.

3. Never thought they would put up a sticker in front our house.

4.Never thought I'll re-install Whatsapp.

(And there is much more!!! You would find it very boring though, if I continue the list 😜)

   The course of the battle:

      The first couple of days were very chaotic, for I didn't understand what to do. I was really angry with the whole wide world now (over- dramatic, I know;) It was like all my stacks of dreams, came down crushing, all at once.  

      The most dreadful things you have to do, when you're "positive" is that,

·      👉you have to take in chunks of medicines

·     ðŸ‘‰drink those tormenting bitterest of bitter fluids

·      👉doing exercises to increase your SPO2 levels and

·     ðŸ‘‰piles of chores, adapting to whole new routine.

     As days went by, I was like in a deep state of slumber, waiting to be woken up by some external force. Every day the same old routine - eat, movies, sleep, repeat. 

What I learnt during the course?

💢 What a dramatic change needed in our food habits! These were the days I had avoided all the junk and eaten really "healthy foods". 

💢‌ It was rather a fierce battle within our minds. This period demanded tough mental strength, which I rather didn't experience for a long time now.

💢 ‌My most favourite lesson of all - learn to accept the reality and cope up with it. It's okay to be angry and stressed. It all lies in the fact that how you recover from it.

The next factor:

  I had been in a state of conundrum on how will I proceed further, building my dreams again. Remember, the external force I mentioned earlier - there is no such thing like that. Don't wait for anyone or anything to rouse you from this state of hibernation. It all resides in you - internally. Taking a deep breath, start everything afresh.


The other day while I was watching the movie, "Eat, Pray, Love ", I really fell for an amazing line - "One must always be prepared for riotous and endless waves of transformation". This helped me to embrace the metamorphosis, that I had been going through and be proud of it.

After all, this too shall pass...


   PS: Cuarentena is quarantine in Spanish.